SubmitImage Method

SubmitImage submits an image from an on-vehicle camera to the Camera API. See Hotspot Cameras for a general overview.


SubmitImage4(int intCameraID, string strVehicleID, double dblLatitude, double dblLongitude,
int intHeading, int intSpeed, string strCollectedTime, string strImage, int intOptions, string strPassword)


Name Type Description
intCameraID int Unique camera identifier for a hotspot camera, as returned by other API methods such as GetCamerasInBox.
strVehicleID string Unique anonymous vehicle identifier.
dblLatitude double Latitude of the vehicle, in decimal degrees.
dblLongitude double Longitude of the vehicle, in decimal degrees.
intHeading int Heading of the vehicle, in degrees.
intSpeed int Speed of the vehicle, in kph.
strCollectedTime string The date and time at which the image was collected, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), and expressed according to ISO 8601 (“yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffZ”).
strImage string Image from the on-vehicle camera, encoded in Base64 format.
intOptions int A set of bitwise flags OR’ed together. No options are currently supported.
strPassword string Unique id/password supplied to you previously.

Return Value




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