GetRegions Method

GetRegions returns all continents, countries, markets, regions, and states.

Outside the USA, “state” may refer to a top level administrative division, e.g., province (Canada, Spain), territory (Canada, Australia), county (UK, Ireland), or district (Luxembourg). A “region” is typically a city or town, but occasionally may refer to a larger rural area with sparse camera density, or a smaller area where there is high camera density. A “market” is typically a large metro area incorporating one or more regions.


GetRegions(string strPassword)


Name Type Description
strPassword string Unique id/password supplied to you previously.

Return Value

Type: XML

Fields for each returned continent will include:

Name Type Description
ContinentID int Unique continent identifier.
Name string Human readable name.

Fields for each returned country will include:

Name Type Description
CountryID int Unique country identifier.
Name string Human readable name.
ContinentID int Unique identifier for the continent to which the country belongs.

Fields for each returned market will include:

Name Type Description
MarketID int Unique market identifier.
Name string Human readable name. Markets with "(undesignated)" or the foreign language equivalent in the name are used for rural areas and will have no center point.
CenterLatitude float Latitude of the market center point.
CenterLongitude float Longitude of the market center point.

Fields for each returned region will include:

Name Type Description
Name string Human readable name.
RegionID int Unique region identifier.
StateID int The state (or top-level administrative division) to which the region belongs.
MapBottomLatitude float Bottom edge of the bounding box which contains all cameras in the region, in decimal degrees.
MapLeftLatitude float Left edge of the bounding box which contains all cameras in the region, in decimal degrees.
MapRightLatitude float Right edge of the bounding box which contains all cameras in the region, in decimal degrees.
MapTopLatitude float Top edge of the bounding box which contains all cameras in the region, in decimal degrees.
CopyrightNotice string Credit for the originating authority, including their main website URL.

Note: The copyright notice must be displayed in full whenever an image is displayed.
SublicenseProhibited bool Some originating authorities require a license amendment or separate license for each and every sublicensee, to be issued following review of the sublicensee service(s) by the originating authority. If set to True, contact Licensor before displaying the image from this camera to sublicensees.
FeeToEndUserProhibited bool Some originating authorities do not permit fees to be charged to the end user for viewing of camera images. If set to True, end users must not be charged a specific fee to view camera images for this region.

Note: Fees may still be charged to businesses specifically for cameras, or to the general public for a bundle of services that include traffic cameras.
UseWhileDrivingProhibited bool Some originating authorities prohibit the viewing of camera images while driving. If set to True, a notice must be displayed stating that the viewing of camera images in this region while driving is prohibited, either on entry to the service if the service is designed specifically for use while driving, or on a Terms Of Use page otherwise.
MarketID int Unique market identifier.
HistoricalImagesProhibited bool If set to True, the originating authority does not allow historical images to be archived.
TimeZone string Time zone identifier of the region. In .NET, this can be converted to a TimeZoneInfo using TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById().
Demonstration bool If set to True, the region is currently for demonstration purposes only and should not be used in production systems.
AdsProhibited bool Some originating authorities do not permit advertisements to be directly associated with their cameras. If set to True, web pages and apps may still contain advertisements, provided they are not directly associated with the cameras or camera images. For example, a popup window that displays a camera image may not contain an advertisement.

Fields for each returned state will include:

Name Type Description
CountryID int Unique identifier for the country to which the state belongs.
Name string Human readable name.
StateID int Unique identifier for the state (or top-level administrative division).


<Continents diffgr:id="Countries1" msdata:rowOrder="0">
        <Name>North America</Name>
<Countries diffgr:id="Countries1" msdata:rowOrder="0">
<Markets diffgr:id="Markets1" msdata:rowOrder="1">
        <Name>Vancouver, BC CMA</Name>
<Regions diffgr:id="Regions1" msdata:rowOrder="0">
        <CopyrightNotice>Image © City of Vancouver
        <TimeZone>Pacific Standard Time</TimeZone>
<States diffgr:id="States1" msdata:rowOrder="0">
        <Name>British Columbia</Name>

Vizzion Confidential and Proprietary