GetCameraStream Method

GetCameraStream returns a video stream for a given camera.


GetCameraStream2(int intCameraID, string strStreamCoding, string strStreamContainer, int intDesiredWidth, int intDesiredHeight, int intOptions, string strPassword)


Name Type Description
intCameraID int Unique camera identifier, as returned by other API methods such as GetCamerasInBox.
strStreamCoding string The desired video coding format (codec), e.g. “H264”, as returned in the field StreamCoding, StreamCoding2, or StreamCoding3 for the camera.
strStreamContainer string The desired video container format, e.g. “MP4”, as returned in the field StreamContainer, StreamContainer2, or StreamContainer3 for the camera.

Note: The coding and container should correspond. For example, if StreamCoding2 is used, StreamContainer2 must be used.
intDesiredWidth int The desired width of the returned video stream, in pixels, as returned in the field Width for the camera.
intDesiredHeight int The desired height of the returned video stream, in pixels, as returned in the field Height for the camera.
intOptions int A set of bitwise flags OR’ed together. No options are currently supported.
strPassword string Unique id/password supplied to you previously.

Return Value

Type: A video stream that can be played in a suitable media player (such as VLC)

The target media player should support the specified video coding and container formats, as well as 302 redirects. If the target media player does not support redirects, contact for further information.


For details, see Return Value above.

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