Get /drives

Returns a collection of Drives matching a specified query, ordered by ascending date and time.




Name Type Description
after date Optional. Restricts Drives to those collected after the given time in UTC.

Note: Timespans of a day or more can take several minutes to return. Consider using a shorter timespan and making additional calls for other timespans if the desired data is not found.

Note: Drives data is currently removed from Vizzion’s API no later than 10 days after creation.
before date Optional. Restricts Drives to those collected before the given time in UTC.

Note:Drives are added to the database at the time when the Drive ends, but are queried based on the time when the drive starts. A real-time application that queries Drives that started in the last 5 minutes, and performs the same query at 5 minute intervals, will miss Drives that were still in progress at each 5 minute interval.
limit integer Optional. The number of Drives to return per page, up to a maximum of 10,000.
offset integer Optional. The offset of the first Drive in the collection to return, used to return additional pages of drives when the number of drives exceeds the “limit” parameter.

Note: queries will be slower as offset increases. To retrieve the same data faster, use shorter timespans with a zero offset.
box float[]
Only the Drives inside the blue box will be returned In this example, only the Drives inside the blue box will be returned

Optional. Restricts Drives to those inside the given latitude/longitude bounding box. The box is defined by four comma separated values, representing “left, bottom, right, top.”

Note: only one geometry parameter is permitted per call.

Note: if images are needed for a specific location, ensure the box is large enough to include the start or end of the drive that may pass through that location. In extreme cases, a drive may start or end 1,000 meters from the desired location.
polygon float[] A list of comma-separated latitude/longitude coordinates of a simple polygon (non-self-intersecting) in parentheses delimited by commas, ordered in the clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. Each coordinate must be unique within the list, and therefore the last coordinate should not be the same as the first.

Coordinates must not be collinear, whereby 3 or more consecutive coordinates lie on a single straight line. 3 coordinates are collinear if:
p1.X * (p2.Y — p3.Y) + p2.X * (p3.Y — p1.Y)
+ p3.X * (p1.Y — p2.Y) = 0 (±0.0000001)

The required minimum number of coordinates is 3, and the maximum is 1,000. If intending to use 2 coordinates, see the linestring filter below.

Note: only one geometry parameter is permitted per call.

Note: While the method allows up to 1,000 coordinates, the maximum number that can be listed in a URL query string in a browser is limited.
linestring float[]
Only the Drives on route defined by coordinates will be returned In this example, only the Drives within 10 meters of the blue route will be returned

Optional. Restricts Drives to those which start within 10 meters of a given route. The linestring is defined by a list of comma-separated latitude/longitude coordinates (representing route segments) in parentheses delimited by commas. Each coordinate must be unique within the list. The minimum number of required coordinates is 2, and the maximum is 1,000.

Note: only one geometry parameter is permitted per call.

Note: While the method allows up to 1,000 coordinates, the maximum number that can be listed in a URL query string in a browser is limited.

online boolean Optional. If set to true, restricts drives to those from vehicles that have been online within the last 5 minutes. If set to false, returns drives from both offline and online vehicles.
minimumImageHeight int Optional. Restricts Drives to those collected by vehicle cameras with at least the given height, for example 720 pixels high or 1080 pixels high.
password string Unique password supplied to you previously.

Return Value

Type: GeoJSON FeatureCollection

The FeatureCollection is made up of features. Each feature represents a single Drive and contains a "geometry" and "properties" member.

The “geometry” member is a multipoint object containing two or more pairs of coordinates, which represent the start locations, intermediate locations (if available), and end locations of the Drive.

Note: Coordinate pairs are ordered with longitude first, followed by latitude, in accordance with the official GeoJSON specification.
Note: Intermediate locations will always be available after retrieving the drive stream.

The “properties” member of the returned GeoJSON will include:

Name Type Description
VehicleId integer Unique vehicle identifier.
Waypoints string, integer, integer The time, speed, and heading for intermediate locations. One waypoint is provided for each intermediate location.
Time string The time that the Drive was collected in UTC.

Note: Drives will be returned in date/time order, beginning with the first available Drive from the specified timespan.
Online boolean True if the vehicle was online within the last 5 minutes.

Note: Image streams can only be returned when the vehicle is online.
Seconds integer The duration of the Drive. Also, the maximum number of images available for the Drive.
Speed integer Speed of the vehicle at the start of the Drive, in kph
Heading integer Heading of the vehicle at the start of the Drive, in degrees. Heading is expressed as a value greater or equal than 0 and less than 360 measured clockwise from north. i.e., 0 is north, 90 is east, 180 is south, 270 is west.


Request (Box),49.262025,-123.056176,49.27686&password=<password>
Request (Linestring),-124.56),(23.3675,-124.56)&password=<password>
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "MultiPoint",
        "coordinates": [
      "properties": {
        "VehicleId": 1234567,
        "Time": "2022-01-26T14:51:18.000Z",
        "Online": false,
        "Seconds": 15,
        "Speed": 41,
        "Heading": 1
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "MultiPoint",
        "coordinates": [
      "properties": {
        "VehicleId": 1234567,
        "Time": "2022-01-26T16:26:45.000Z",
        "Online": false,
        "Seconds": 5,
        "Speed": 20,
        "Heading": 88,
        "Waypoints": [
            "Time": "2022-01-26T16:26:46.000Z",
            "Speed": 21,
            "Heading": 89
            "Time": "2022-01-26T16:26:47.000Z",
            "Speed": 22,
            "Heading": 90
            "Time": "2022-01-26T16:26:48.000Z",
            "Speed": 23,
            "Heading": 91
            "Time": "2022-01-26T16:26:49.000Z",
            "Speed": 24,
            "Heading": 92

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