Drive Streams

Drive streams are collections of consecutive images or a video from a front-facing on-vehicle camera at a specified time.

Start/end locations for Drives from three different vehicles within a bounding box. Start/end locations for Drives from three different vehicles within a bounding box.

Before an application can request Drive streams, the application must first request Drive data using the GET /drives endpoint. This returns a set of Drives based on a number of input parameters (geographic area, time period, etc.).

Each Drive returned will include a unique vehicle identifier in the “VehicleId” field. This vehicle identifier, along with the time of the Drive, can then be passed to the GET /vehicles/{vehicleId}/streams endpoint to request the Drive stream.

Retrieving Location, Speed or Heading information in each image

Drive data returned by the GET /drives endpoint may only include the location, speed and heading of the first image in the drive stream. For MJPEG format streams, the location/speed/heading for each second of the stream is returned in the images' EXIF data. After retrieving a stream, the data for each second will always appear in the drive data for that stream. Refer to the GET /vehicles/{vehicleId}/streams endpoint for further details.

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